what you can expect

GrainHQ is a software that makes it easier for you as farmers to stay organized with your business. The GrainHQ platform will assist you in tracking production of crops, grain sales, brokerage account positions, and current cash prices at local elevators.

Our primary focus is to automate as much as we can and provide you notifications when things take place. Either weekly or bi-weekly you will be sent a summary of your current situation. For example:
  • A new sale has been added
  • A position has been added to the brokerage account 
  • Production has been adjusted

rethink traditional agricultural processes

grainhq makes it wildly simple for forward-thinking farmers  to make tomorrow's decisions today. 

GrainHQ empowers you to be proactive and make your own decision rather than letting the market or elevator make them for you.

  • Automatic tracking of options & futures profit and loss by crop
  • Notification of HTA, futures, and basis contracts
  • Pricing scenario calculator - plug in an amount of bushels sold at your target price and see your estimated average sales price
  • Track the decisions you have and haven't made and decisions that still need to be made
  • Organization done for you


GrainHQ is for any row-crop farmer who is trying to run on tighter margins. You're tech savvy and appreciate information to help you run more efficiently. You've likely already utilized several marketing tools like:

  • A brokerage
  • Sales contracts
  • Different elevators

If you're looking for a competitive edge for your farm, GrainHQ is for YOU. You want to be more organized, but can't find the time on your own to make it happen. Let GrainHQ make you say "I can't believe it's really this easy."


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Aaron was raised in Nortonville in the Northeast corn of Kansas. He earned his Bachelors of Science Degree from Kansas State University. His start in the farm business industry came in 2008 when he took a job as a sales consultant selling product to individual farms that combined farm financials, crop insurance, and commodity marketing. He gained a broad understanding of how all of these things and many other worked together to determine the success level of the business. In 2010 he became a Market Advisor focusing more specifically on commodity markets and working one on one with clients.

Aaron resides in Rapid City, South Dakota with his wife Mattie and their three children.

about grainhq & our team

Our goal with GrainHQ is to make farm marketing organization more automated and easier so you don't have to choose between taking advantage of more opportunities or being organized. In our experience producers all want to be organized, but it is hard to get started and even more difficult to maintain. We want to solve that issue so you can stay organized and ready for opportunities the whole year and ready every day.

Individually we have worked for large companies and seen how that side works. We have connections to merchandisers in the industry because of those experiences and have worked in this business through some of the most volatile times in its history. We have seen things that we know don’t work and things that we know consistently do. We have seen many people and companies make an already difficult part of your business much more complicated and we believe we have learned from those experiences to make GrainHQ easier and more successful. We have been in this business for over a decade each and started together in July of 2019. We knew we could build something more client focused, so we built GrainHQ.



Brent Schmidt grew up on a farm in Columbus, Nebraska where he assisted with the grain and livestock operation. He earned his Bachelors Degree in Business from the University of Nebraska at Kearney. He re-entered the agriculture industry in 2008 assisting farm operations with marketing, crop insurance and estate planning. In 2019 he partnered with Aaron Bertels to focus on crop and livestock marketing and local grain logistics. His passion is to assist and educate producers the best ways to navigate the markets.

Brent resides in Norfolk, Nebraska with his wife Jami and their two sons.

available to lead and accommodate you as a farmer. 

chat with us


We aim to give you more than you thought possible. After all, you deserve it.

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

delivering the


invest in the moment

You can never put a price on an image, each moment only happens once. 

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

let's do this!

invest in the
